Hodler’s AMA in a review by thinkingusd#8572 [18.01.2022]

2 min readJan 18, 2022

Unranked play and ranked play. Unranked play will be more casual. Ranked play will have some penalties for players who leave the game too early.

System must load your NFT inventory in order to successfully start the game. Due to Solana network issues some lags occur and “start button” becomes unavailable. To overcome this problem kindly reload the page and wait a bit before you press “START”.

When more people start playing in a severs from the same location it will cause a lag. EU server is the most popular one, but not all players are from EU actually, so it could cause this bug.

Legendary characters will be more powerful in PVE, they will give you boost in specific modes.

NFTs are the game design question. We want to people to collect NFTs and we will support this activity. We are working on a burn mechanics. It will be like crafting, so imagine you could combine different NFTs then you burn them and you will get something better.

We are looking into the receiving BP points issue. There’re a lot of people who joined in our project recently, we try to scale our systems to handle a lot of new players.

If there will be any leaderboard rewards in the future we will announce it!

Pets will find its usability in PVE modes. Just keep your NFTs with pets, it will give you more benefits

There are gonna be a bunch of new maps and sometimes we will also redesign casual maps in some holiday style.

If we would made a full client game it wouldn’t be playable in browser anymore. The more realistic scenario is that we will polish a browser version as much as it possible.

NFTs from Battle Pass will have the exact same cosmetic characteristics when they actually become NFT. You will mint the exact one you see on your inventory.

Attributes for Loot and Premium collection heroes basically will be the same, but there will be much more probability of getting rare attribute like a pet.




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